


學生哥大優惠 !

Students have big discount !

由 21/3 起,所有持有學生版八達通卡的中、小學生,乘搭加進巴士,均可獲小童及長者的優惠價錢,如乘搭過海路線,第二程均可獲小童及長者的優惠價錢以及九折優惠!咁著數,快D坐加進巴士啦 !

From 21/3 , All the Secondary and Primary students have students version Octopus Cards , travel KCB , can be children and elderly preferential price , if travel Cross Harbour routes , second journey can be children and elderly preferential price and 10% off discount ! This function is jetso , you must be travel KCB !

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