路線 N960 將於 11/4/2011 延長至建生及天后




路線 5A 將於 25/4/2011 開辦

  為補給大口環下路只有小巴而令班次稀疏的不足,特設路線 5A 來往灣仔碼頭至香港仔中心,並途經大口環、數碼港及中環,香港仔中心總站於南寧街,約小巴 63X 站前方(詳見註 1),於 25/4/2011 正式開辦。

       For Sandy Bay Road Lower only have minibus so frequency very thin, KCB will operate route 5A dealing Wan Chai Ferry Pier to Aberdeen Centre, via Sandy Bay, Cyberport and Central, Aberdeen Centre Terminus is in Nam Ning Street, in front of Minibus route 63X bus stop (Please see it in Note 1), KCB will operate the route at 25/4/2011.

生效日期 Date available started from :

*註 1 (Note 1) : 按此

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